The Mama Dentist text beside tooth logo of a tooth outline, with mom and baby inside

Keepin’ kids cavity-free and makin’ toothbrush-time tantrums disappear! 

Lansinoh Lanolin Cream for dry chapped lips

Lansinoh Lanolin Cream for dry chapped lips

This is an occlusive + emollient that will help lock in moisture for dry lips (great for kids who get the red ring around their lips in fall/winter). It’s unflavored, so I find they’re less likely to lick it off than with chapstick. I apply mine in this order: hyaluronic acid serum to damp lips, then SPF lip balm, followed by lanolin. The nipplecream is far cheaper per ounce than the lanolin balms sold for lips (even though it’s the same stuff)!

Caution if you have a wool allergy, people can have contact sensitivity to lanolin if they react to wool. There are hypoallergenic versions.

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