The Mama Dentist text beside tooth logo of a tooth outline, with mom and baby inside

Keepin’ kids cavity-free and makin’ toothbrush-time tantrums disappear! 


Check out my LATEST course!

Do you have questions about the color of teeth and teeth whitening? In this 30 minutes lecture I describe the basics of tooth discoloration and bleaching options. I also go through some of the most popular TikTok whitening “hacks” and share my thoughts, then I answer some of the most common questions I receive on my platforms about whitening.


Tips for Toothbrushing Infants & Toddlers

Many parents’ greatest fear with toothbrushing is that they are traumatizing their child. These ten tips will both teach you and reassure you that trauma-free toothbrushing is possible!


Can you really "heal" cavities!?

I compiled all 18 pieces of my viral TikTok series, Healing Cavities, and included some bonus content as well resulting in over half an hour of information about healing and preventing cavities. You basically get a coffee date with a nerdy dentist who loves to talk prevention strategies and teach you how to take charge of your oral health! I explain what’s true and what’s stretching it regarding the viral claims of cavity healing. Hint: It is not an essential oil, turmeric, coconut oil, or bentonite clay.


My first course

This original course from 2021 goes through much of the information contained in “Healing Cavities” but is not as extensive in breadth or depth.ย 

Dr. M