The Mama Dentist text beside tooth logo of a tooth outline, with mom and baby inside

Keepin’ kids cavity-free and makin’ toothbrush-time tantrums disappear! 

Colgate hum – rechargeable (adult)

Colgate hum – rechargeable (adult)

A low-cost electric toothbrush with app connectivity. Many people who struggle with motivation/boredom related to brushing find this toothbrush helpful. The battery powered version has fewer strokes per minute (20000) and should be avoided or used like a manual toothbrush. The electric charger version is considered sonic with “up to 30000 strokes/minute” per their website, although for the price tag you might get a more effective clean (more pulses) via OralB or Sonicare. You use it by gently moving the brush along your teeth and letting the brush do the work of moving the bristles itself.

The app experience for hum, though, may be superior in that it offers real-time brushing feedback in 3D (only the top models of Sonicare and OralB do that at present).