The Mama Dentist text beside tooth logo of a tooth outline, with mom and baby inside

Keepin’ kids cavity-free and makin’ toothbrush-time tantrums disappear! 

Nursery Water (also available at Target in baby section) – fluoridated water

Nursery Water (also available at Target in baby section) – fluoridated water

Do not use this to mix baby formula like it states on the bottle (many formulas already contain low levels of fluoride) because you can end up giving baby too much fluoride (which could result in mild fluorosis of permanent teeth). See recent blog post for more info! Instead use fluoride-free water for formula reconstitution (look for reverse osmosis on the label under processed by).

Use this water daily as your child’s main drink if you have well water or live in an area with unfluoridated city water. It’s great as a drinking water, as is tap, once baby starts to drink from a cup.