The Mama Dentist text beside tooth logo of a tooth outline, with mom and baby inside

Keepin’ kids cavity-free and makin’ toothbrush-time tantrums disappear! 

Pediatrician Flier: Oral Health 101 for 0-18mos

Pediatrician Flier: Oral Health 101 for 0-18mos

This *FREE* pdf handout was made for caregivers of children ages 0-18 months and can be given to families at their child’s well-checks. Topics covered include: teething, home care, diet, tethered oral tissues, trauma, accident prevention, and when to establish a dental home. There are two pages, a front and a back. Only the front is shown in the sample.

Interested in purchasing a pdf copy without The Mama Dentist branding for your own office that would include your own logo and colors? E-mail me: